High Impact Grant Details
The High Impact Grant provides tuition support for master's and doctoral students to cover courses that significantly enhance training and education and/or satisfy credit-bearing requirements towards completion of the graduate degree. High Impact Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Applicants must submit materials to the Office of the Provost by Monday, October 7th. Recipients will be notified by November 1, 2024.
A list of courses that are eligible to apply for this award is provided below. For more details on the application process, please contact geaward@gmu.edu.
Eligible Course Lists
College of Education and Human Development
Athletic Training
ATEP 676 Patient Centered Athletic Training Practice
ATEP 686 Advanced Athletic Training Practice
Early Childhood Education
ECED 788 Internship in Early Childhood Education Prekindergarten-Third Grade
ECED 789 Internship in Early Childhood Special Education Birth - Five
Counseling and Development
EDCD 750 Practicum in Mental Health Counseling
EDCD 792 Internship in Mental Health Counseling I
EDCD 793 Internship in Mental Health Counseling II
EDCD 751 Practicum in School Counseling
EDCD 794 Internship in School Counseling I
EDCD 795 Internship in School Counseling II
Curriculum and Instruction: TCLDEL
EDCI 702 Internship in Mathematics Education
Educational Psychology
EDEP 694 Practicum in Educational Psychology
EDEP 794 Internship in Educational Psychology
Education Leadership
EDLE 791 Internship in Educational Leadership
EDLE 792 Internship in Independent School Leadership
EDRD 645 Supervised Literacy Practicum
Research Methods
EDRS 680 Advanced Evaluation Methods and Internship
EDRS 880 Advanced Evaluation Methods and Internship
Special Education
EDSE 783 Internship: Special Education in General Curriculum
EDSE 784 Internship: Adapted Curriculum
EDSE 785 Internship: Blindness and Visual Impairments
EDCI 790: 1 credit add-on internship General Curriculum
PhD in Education
EDUC 890 Doctoral Internship in Education
EDUC 994 Advanced Internship in Education
Elementary Education
ELED 790 Internship in Elementary Education
Secondary Education
SEED 792 Internship: Secondary Education English
SEED 793 Internship: Secondary Education Math
SEED 794 Internship: Secondary Education Science
SEED 795 Internship: Secondary Education Social Studies
SEED 796 Internship: Secondary Education Computer Science
School Psychology
SPSY 790 School Psychology Internship
Sport and Recreation Studies
SRST 798 - Master's Project/Intenship
College of Public Health
Global Health, MS
GCH 591 Study Abroad in Public Health
Health Informatics, MS
HAP 790 Capstone Practicum in Health Systems Management
HAP 796 Health Informatics Capstone Practicum
Health Systems Management, MHA
HAP 790 Capstone Practicum in Health Systems Management
Nursing, MSN (FNP)
NURS 742 Family Nurse Practitioner 1
NURS 744 Family Nurse Practitioner 2
NURS 749 Family Nurse Practitioner 3
Nutrition, MS
NUTR 687 Supervised Experiential Practice
NUTR 790 Nutrition Practicum
Public Health, MPH
GCH 790 Practicum in Public Heath
Social Work, MSW
SOCW 672 Generalist Social Work Practicum Education and Seminar 1
SOCW 673 Generalist Social Work Practicum Education and Seminar 2
SOCW 696 Specialized Practicum and Seminar 1
SOCW 698 Specialized Practicum and Seminar 2
Health Services Research, Ph.D.
PH 850 Teaching Practicum in Public Health
Nursing, DNP
NURS 742 Family Nurse Practitioner 1
NURS 744 Family Nurse Practitioner 2
NURS 749 Family Nurse Practitioner 3
NURS 765 Practicum in Nursing Administration 1
NURS 768 Practicum in Nursing Administration 2
NURS 782 Psychiatric Nursing Practitioner Practicum 1
NURS 784 Psychiatric Nursing Practitioner Practicum 2
NURS 786 Adult Gerontology Primary Care Practicum 1
NURS 788 Adult Gerontology Primary Care Practicum 2
NURS 790 Adult Gerontology Primary Care Practicum 3
NURS 921 Clinical Practicum 1
NURS 922 Clinical Practicum 2
Public Health, Ph.D.
PH 850 Teaching Practicum in Public Health
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Anthropology, MA
ANTH 690 Internship
Art History, MA
ARTH 599 Curating an Exhibition (Special Topics)
Communication, MA
COMM 604 Communication Research Practicum
COMM 694 Communication Internship
English, MA (Folklore Studies)
FOLK 690 Field School in Cultural Documentation
FOLK 699 Internship
English, MA (Linguistics)
LING 507 Fieldwork in Applied Linguistics
LING 624 Practicum in TESOL
English, MA (Professional and Technical Writing)
ENGH 504 Internship
ENGH 604 Internship in Folklore
ENGH 614 Internship in the Teaching of Writing
Global Affairs, MA
GLOA 695 Internship
GLOA 710 Study Abroad
Higher Education and Student Development, MA
HE 685 Practicum
HE 885 Doctoral Internship in College Teaching and Administration
Interdisciplinary Studies, MA
MAIS 695 Experiential Learning
Psychology, MA
PSYC 730 Practicum Applied Psychology
PSYC 792 Psychology Practicum
Sociology, MA
SOCI 616 Practicum in Sociology
Communication, Ph.D.
COMM 694 Communication Internship
Criminology, Law and Society, Ph.D.
CRIM 784 Experimental Criminology
Economics, Ph.D.
ECON 852 Public Choice I
Linguistics, Ph.D.
LING 507 Fieldwork in Applied Linguistics
LING 625 Practicum in TESOL
Psychology, Ph.D.
PSYC 881 Practicum in Clinical Psychology
PSYC 885 Clinical Externship
Sociology, Ph.D.
SOCI 616 Internship in Sociology
College of Visual and Performing Arts
Art Education, MAT
AVT 692 Secondary Practicum
AVT 695 Student Teaching
Arts Management, MA
AMGT 742 Internship
Dewberry Family School of Music
MUSI 695 Teaching Internship
Costello College of Business
Business Administration, MBA
MBA 795 Global Business Perspectives
Accounting, MS
ACCT 695 Accounting Field Experience
ACCT 795 Global Accounting Environment
Business Analytics, MS
MSBA 692 Practicum in Business Analytics
Management, MS
GBUS 795 Global Business Perspectives
GBUS 692 Professional Development Experience
Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution
Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Ph.D.
CONF 694 Internship
Schar School of Policy and Government
Biodefense, MS
POGO 794 Internship
POGO 750 Policy Practicum
International Commerce and Policy, MA
POGO 794 Internship
POGO 750 Policy Practicum
International Security, MA
POGO 794 Internship
POGO 750 Policy Practicum
Organization Development and Knowledge Management, MS
POGO 794 Internship
POGO 750 Policy Practicum
Political Science, MA
POGO 794 Internship
POGO 750 Policy Practicum
Public Administration, MPA
POGO 794 Internship
POGO 750 Policy Practicum
Public Policy, MPP
POGO 794 Internship
POGO 750 Policy Practicum
Transportation Policy, Operations, and Logistics, MA
POGO 794 Internship
POGO 750 Policy Practicum
Biodefense, Ph.D.
POGO 794 Internship
Political Science, Ph.D.
POGO 794 Internship
Public Policy, Ph.D.
POGO 794 Internship
College of Engineering and Computing
Applied Information Technology, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Bioengineering, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Biostatistics, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Computer Engineering, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Computer Science, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Cyber Security Engineering, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Data Analytics Engineering, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Digital Forensics, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Electrical Engineering, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Information Systems, MS (CS Track or IST Track)
CEC 794 Internship
Operations Research, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Software Engineering, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Statistical Science, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Systems Engineering, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Telecommunications, MS
CEC 794 Internship
Bioengineering, PhD
CEC 794 Internship
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, PhD
CEC 794 Internship
Computer Science, PhD
CEC 794 Internship
Electrical and Computer Engineering, PhD
CEC 794 Internship
Information Technology, PhD
CEC 794 Internship
Statistical Science, PhD
CEC 794 Internship
Systems Engineering and Operations Research, PhD
CEC 794 Internship